Escuchar radio online Z ROCK KKZR 106.9 FM


Loudest Rock In The Nation!
Texas, Houston, Estados Unidos
Radio: Z ROCK KKZR 106.9 FM

Z Rock was originally a nationally syndicated radio network based out of Dallas, Texas, USA, in the mid-80's through the mid-90's that played Hard Rock & Heavy Metal music. Z Rock debuted Labor Day 1986 and has been credited with being the 1st nationally focused radio station. In March 1990, Z Rock was nominated for Billboard Awards, the only full time Hard Rock/Metal programming ever nominated in the history of Billboard Magazine. After several changes in personnel & programming direction, the network was discontinued on December 31, 1996. During its early days the station drew attention for playing unedited, explicit versions of album tracks. Back from the Bone Yard, Z Rock 106.9 KKZR is now privately owned, listener supported and broadcast globally via the Internet, with no FCC, or corporate interference. Unedited, explicit album tracks just the way the artist intended them to be experienced. No radio edits, no corporate playlists, just in your face, Hard Rock & Metal tracks 24/7/365 to knock your dick in the dirt! If It's Too Loud... You're Too Old!

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¡Gracias Z ROCK KKZR 106.9 FM!

20/03/2020 a las 13:15hs

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